YouTube with ads after YouTube Red is hell

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I didn’t used to hate YouTube ads. They were never my favorite part of the YouTube experience, but for almost my entire YouTube-using life, I’ve dealt with the endless cycle of pre-roll ads whenever I wanted to check out the latest movie trailer or clip on YouTube. I understood the basic idea — hosting videos isn’t cheap, and ads help pay for continuing service and even supporting my favorite content creators.

Then, a few months back, YouTube Red offered a free three-month trial, magically transporting me to a world where suddenly, there were no ads on YouTube. But my trial ended a few weeks ago, and now I’m in ad hell.

Dealing with ads on YouTube had become such an automatic part…

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Written by Chaim Gartenberg
This news first appeared on under the title “YouTube with ads after YouTube Red is hell”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.