England set South Africa 332 to win second women’s ODI – live!

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35th over: South Africa 178-4 (Du Preez 3, Tryon 5) Target 332 Elwiss has been much tighter in her second spell, but Tryon drives four as Wyatt chases, bellyflops, and misses. There are two other singles from the over, which is to say these need to steam in.

34th over: South Africa 172-4 (Du Preez 2, Tryon 0) Target 332 The required rate is at a fat, round 10.00 at the end of the 34th, and the question now is whether England bowl South Africa out or not.

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Written by Daniel Harris (now) and Adam Collins (earlier)
This news first appeared on https://www.theguardian.com/sport/live/2018/jun/12/england-v-south-africa-second-womens-odi-live under the title “

England set South Africa 332 to win second women’s ODI – live!

“. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.