Facebook’s newest ploy to bring back teen users is a meme app called LOL

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Facebook’s seemingly never-ending quest to make itself appealing to younger, teenage smartphone owners has now resulted in an app called LOL. According to TechCrunch, LOL is a simple piece of software featuring a feed of memes and GIFs categorized by topics like “animals” and “pranks,” and Facebook is currently testing it with 100 high school users with the consent of their parents. It seems LOL’s design is reminiscent of Snapchat’s Discover tab, and it will offer algorithmically curated bundles of videos users can scroll through using an interaction similar to toggling through Instagram Stories, with share and reaction buttons underneath.

According to TechCrunch, LOL is being deployed at the moment as a replacement for Facebook Watch,…

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Written by Nick Statt
This news first appeared on https://www.theverge.com/2019/1/18/18188485/facebook-lol-meme-app-gifs-funny-videos under the title “Facebook’s newest ploy to bring back teen users is a meme app called LOL”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.