Golden Gate face TAC in NBL opener

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Officials during a press meet of the second edition of the Kwik’s Nepal Basketball League in Kathmandu on Friday, April 26, 2019. Photo: Naresh Krishna Shrestha/THT

Kathmandu, April 26

The second edition of the Kwik’s Nepal Basketball League is beginning on Saturday with defending champions Golden Gate International Club playing against first edition runners-up Tribhuvan Army Club at the former’s home court.

A total of eight teams are taking part in the biggest tournament of the country that features a total of 68 matches in 55 days. The teams will play against each other twice in the home and away format. Top four will make it to the playoffs.

The Times International Club, Nepal Police Club, ANK Kirtipur Basketball Club, BMC South Siders Basketball Club, The Royal Basketball Club and Budhanilkantha Municipality Basketball Club are the other teams in the tournament.

The organisers, Play for Deprived Children Nepal also announced Women’s Basketball League with five teams competing in the inaugural edition. TAC, NPC, Nepal APF Club, Samriddhi Gorillas and ISO Kite are taking part in the event slated for May 29 to June 22.

Top two teams in both the sections will earn Rs 200,000 and Rs 100,000, the Most Valuable Players will get return tickets to Europe from Turkish Airlines. Chaudhary Group is the main sponsor of the tournament, while Sanima General Insurance, Kangaroo Education Foundation, KTM City and Amrapali Banquet are the other partners.


Written by Sureis
This news first appeared on under the title “Golden Gate face TAC in NBL opener”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.