Issues caused of Constitutionless province

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Minister of Industry, Tourism Forest and Environment Minister Arun Prasad Nepal has said that there have been lots of problems when state law was not prompted.

According to the National Bank of Nepal, the former budgetary interaction for the financial year 2075/76 in Hetauda is necessary to utilize the possibilities of the region for the participation.

He said that despite the structure of the state government, the law could not be constructed. Due to the delay in the plan of law making for the state, the work is not possible in the state level.

In the program, claiming for land management, agriculture and cooperative, Dorje Lama will be the potential of agriculture in 13 districts. He said, ‘It is not uncomfortable to enrich the state of potentially viable.’

In the program, executive director Thapa said that inflation has decreased for since last year. The average inflation rate for the first seven months of the financial year 2073/74 was 5 percent on December 5, while the average inflation rate was only 3 percent only in the period of 2074/75.

Total savings of Nepal’s savings is about 10 percent and the total national savings ratio is around 44 percent.

According to the export imports, the import of Nepal is increasing because of imports in high rates.