Midwest, APF triumph

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SURKHET: Midwest Cricket Club and Nepal APF Club registered victories in the Wai Wai Karnali Premier League cricket tournament here on Sunday.

In the first match, Midwest defeated Laligurans Cricket Academy by seven wickets. Batting first, Laligurans posted 111-9 in 20 overs before Midwest raced to 112-3 with 23 balls to spare.

Midwest’s Akash Bista, who took three wickets, was named the man of the match.

Likewise, APF beat New Horizon Butwal by 38 runs.

Batting first, APF scored 153-8 before restricting New Horizon to 115-8.

APF’s Sharad Vesawkar, who scored run-a-ball 41 and took two wickets, was named the man of the match.

Written by Sandeep Sen
This news first appeared on https://thehimalayantimes.com/sports/midwest-apf-triumph/ under the title “Midwest, APF triumph”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.