Prince loses in final

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KATHMANDU: Nepali shuttler Prince Dahal faced a 21-15, 21-12 defeat at the hands of India’s Pranav Rao Gandham in the U-17 boys’ singles final of the Yonex-Singha-Roza-BTY Junior International Challenge in Bangkok, Thailand on Sunday.

The winner of last year’s Dubai International Championship, Dahal had made it to the final with wins over players from Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, France and India. He had defeated Vikash Yadav of India in straight sets of 21-9, 21-13 in the semi-final match on Saturday.

Dahal had also participated in the U-19 boys’ singles category and he lost to Japanese shuttler in the second round.

He defeated Thai player in the first round match.

A total of 256 players from 22 nations took part in the championship.

Written by Sandeep Sen
This news first appeared on under the title “Prince loses in final”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.