Sanjha Bus to use the Chinese electric bus

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Sharing traffic is being prepared for conducting a large electric bus to kill another road in public transport. It is a shared partnership with small areas in urban areas and encouraging private sector. And, now the home publication of electric public bus import has started.

For that, the government body, shared non-profit and commercial sector, started discussions with the committee and committee member Bhushan Tuladhar.

According to him, discussions are being carried out by the Chinese Bus Manufacturers Company, BYD, to carry out two electric buses immediately. Chinese companies are also interested in it. Sharing a solid consensus will be shared within a few months.

“At least in 2018, we are planning to bring 2/4 electric buses. However, there is a problem to raise the investment because the cost is expensive”, said Tuladhar. However, discussions have been started in various options. If the government shows eagerness, Nepal quickly to enter the era of electric bus.

Electric buses are considered to be very important for our environment. Most public buses in Kathmandu have not completed the pollution criteria. Studies have shown that the electricity will be smokeless because of its use of Kathmandu’s pollution unit.

Therefore, the share has also initiated the scheme with the aim of encouraging private sector. Kathmandu and Lalitpur Metropolitan Municipality has cooperated with shared transport. Professor Vidhasundh Shakya, Mayor of Kathmandu Metropolitan Municipality said that he would be accompanied by his share in the readiness shown by the share of electronic bus.

On year, two metropolis had helped share shares worth Rs. 6 million. The share has brought a semiflor bus this year. More 24 city bus purchases have begun. Four deluxe buses are coming within just three months.

After all of them, 75 buses will be shared with the share. According to information, Executive Director, Joint Transport Manager, Mahendra Raj Pandey, said that out of them 71 Kathmandu will be operated as urban buses.

Mayor Shakya of Kathmandu says she is ready to help just deliver hundreds of shares within the next financial year. ‘We are promoting big buses in the city’s small microphone. Now what can be done by electric bus Goods, ‘Shakya says.

He also states that the metropolitan area is encouraging the Metropolitan Bus for the pollutionless urban environment.

The proposal has been made by the government to provide the lending facility for electric buses. The suggestion is that sharing of petrol and diesels can be used to reduce pollution.

The government is compiling 50 rupees a liter of fuel to pollution now. Meanwhile, Kebar has been deposited in the government fund of five rupees. It has not been spent.

The recommendation is that the government can encourage electricity by investing through municipalities and encourage them to buy electricity.

The current cost of electric bus with IP facility is around Rs. 200 million. Even if initially expensive, maintenance expenditure says Tuladhar, a less environmentalist than diesel vehicle.

The battery has been found for 12 years of security. Therefore, for 10-12 years, this bus should not have to be repaired and repaired, “Tuladhar says, ‘It is very effective due to the benefits of giving it and cheap operating costs.’

In the country, self-reliance on electricity has increased in the country. And, it will also be necessary to increase electricity consumption to reduce petroleum imports.

Chinese companies of BYD are coming to Nepal to study potential ability in Kathmandu. If the government supports the joint claim that the electricity bus can be used in Kathmandu within 3-4 months of cooperation with BYD.