South Africa call up Schalk Brits from retirement to add to England’s concerns

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• Hooker Brits joins Springbok squad for second Test
• Paul Gustard admits England defended badly in Johannesburg

With England having just slipped to a disappointing first Test loss and in danger of sliding further down the World Rugby rankings, the news that a snake handler was invited into camp to help boost squad morale following their 42-39 defeat felt more than a little ironic. The deadly mambas, cobras and tarantulas proved a useful distraction but finding an antidote to English deficiencies is less easy.

With Wales hoping to move above their neighbours into fourth place in the rankings next week, the list of English concerns also now includes the Saracens hooker Schalk Brits who has interrupted his South African holiday to join the Springbok squad before the second Test in Bloemfontein. The 37-year-old Brits retired a fortnight ago but could yet be invited to make the most popular and unexpected of international comebacks.

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Written by Robert Kitson
This news first appeared on under the title “South Africa call up Schalk Brits from retirement to add to England’s concerns”. Bolchha Nepal is not responsible or affiliated towards the opinion expressed in this news article.