AIDS deaths decrease

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After knowing that she was HIV infection 15 years ago, Diksha Rimal, 36, of Bharatpur 12 Aastha tole, Chitwan became very disappointed. It was not too late to live. But, he did not lose courage. She is still healthy and busy in daily work like a normal person. Not only that, she has become the inspiration source for HIV infections.

“It was believed that infected don’t live more than 10 years,” she said, adding that the regular medicine consumed the hope of living, she is healthy now, and there is no problem.

She now stands at the crowd of infections and gives courage to live to everyone. “It was very early at the beginning, it was not like a lot of living,” she said. “8 years ago, ART (Antiochrophyral therapy) has started increasing the courage after starting medication.” She consumes this twice daily.

The rate of death from AIDS for the last time has decreased. Regarding regular blood tests and drug consumption, the claims of the National AIDS and Sexual Disease Control Center decreased. Information center of the Center Bir Bahadur Rawal said that the death rate and infection has decreased in comparison to the past. According to him, the number of infected people across the country is 18,200. Of them, 14,454 are taking regular medicines. According to him, the number of HIV infections in the beginning was very high, “Rawal said.”

According to him, in 2016, AIDS thousand deaths in the year 2016, 1,771 died in 2018, according to him. There is an assessment of death of 88. According to Rule, 2017 data figures have been considered as a basis for the 2018, “he said. However, the figures of death are not considered overall, the statistics of drug users are based on the basis. .

Director of National AIDS and Pediatric Disease Control Center, now the number of drugs and consumers increased. Vasu Pandey said. “At first, we studied the prohibition user, including sexual contact between third person, and he said,” We have been reminded of such people and reminded them that they would be fast and fast blood tests. ”

According to Pandey, ART medicine is available free of charge. This drug reduces the number of viruses to reduce disease risk. “There is a provision to examine the blood of pregnant blood in all districts,” he said, adding that the disease can be detected immediately and the child becomes safe when it is born. “He said that he was provided to these hospital services to prevent the disease.

At present, a total of 82.2 million pregnant women have been diagnosed with blood tests of three million rupees. According to Pandey, infected parents can take healthy children who are using medicines. He said that there has been a problem to increase the blood test work and the disease has been identified, “he said.” It has been a problem to bring this campaign to the municipal and village level, and it will be helpful to get relief from all over. “Most infected are from Kathmandu, Banke, Rupandehi, Chitwan Sunsari and Parsa.